Children’s Ministry


Rotational Sunday School classes  – The classes provide a wide variety of learning experiences on Sunday morning.

Children’s Church – During the last worship service on Sunday mornings, the children have the opportunity to learn more about the scripture on an age appropriate level by leaving worship after the offering and participating in Children’s Church.  Volunteers rotate leading this hour designed specifically for ages four through ten.  Parents have the option of having their children remain in worship with them if they so choose.

Vacation Bible School – Everywhere Fun Fair!  2013 VBS will be June 17-21.  Come travel around the world with Jesus!

Kid’s Day Out – When school is out, Kid’s Days are on!  Watch the newsletter and bulletin for notices about outings, trips or mission projects whenever there is an early release day or teacher work day.  Vacation days do not apply.

Parent’s Night Out – Twice a year we have a Friday evening wherein parents can have a date night.  One is in November so that parents can Christmas shop without the kids.  The kids make their parents’ Christmas present, have games and a movie.  Watch the newsletter and bulletin for details.

Christmas Play – The play is scheduled for December 8 and rehearsals begin in September.  The children learn the songs during Sunday School and Children’sChurch, and special rehearsals scheduled after Halloween.

Acolytes – Elementary children are welcomed to learn to be acolytes to “bring in the light of Christ” to our worship services.  Training is twice a year with details in the newsletter and bulletin.

Children’s Sabbath – Our church observes Children’s Sabbath in October on alternating years with Laity Sunday.  The children have the opportunity to be greeters and ushers as well as acolytes on Children’s Sabbath.