Sunday School
We have Sunday School for all ages. From May through October most of the classes meet at 8:45 a.m., with two adult classes meeting at 8:30. From November through April the classes meet at 9:45 a.m.
Nursery – Our nursery for infants through age three is staffed by trained, screened, professionals. “Cradle Roll” music, videos, and lessons combine with creative play to form a well-rounded experience. The nursery is available during the Sunday School hour as well as Worship hours.
Pre-School – This class is housed next to the Nursery and is for age 4 through Pre-K. The Sunday School hour consists of a short lesson with a craft and then free play to accommodate the attention span. Experienced volunteer teachers create a loving environment that introduces the children to Jesus.
Children – Rotation Model is our format. This accommodates every learning style with six to eight weeks of study on the same story or scripture. Classes include drama/puppetry/mime in the performing arts, computer, cooking ,crafts, music, gardening and movie clips. In this way, no matter which learning style the children have, they will be able to experience the story in their own style. Music, theater and kinesthetic service opportunities are available for the children, and they sing in worship once a month. Theatre production preparation begins in the early fall for the Christmas program. The staff and volunteer teachers of the Elementary Division are professionally trained teachers, and other volunteers contribute special expertise, such as computer skills.
Middle and High School – In the spring, a Confirmation Class is taught by the Assistant Pastor, usually resulting in church membership.
Adults – There are three adult classes which use the Adult Bible Studies resources for study and discussion each week. All existing classes are welcoming to newcomers and new classes will be organized to meet the needs of the congregation.